
We have partnered with Excelsior Development Technologies, a leader in training and development, to bring educational opportunities to all of our customers.
“The Excelsior team believe in memorable and motivating learning and development experiences. We bring everything we’ve got to each and every session that we deliver.”
Whether class training or business development, Origin and Excelsior support our customers long after you have purchased your equipment. We are determined to support our customers grow and developing through fitness and business trends.
Our full day training and online courses are available at any time and cover a variety of areas with new courses added throughout the year. We are also running teaser sessions throughout the year, to sign up to our next session follow this Link.
All sessions will be delivered by expert trainers at Excelsior Training. Meet the team here.
Training Focused Courses
The P.T. Experience ⬇
This course is not about new exercises, training approaches or a new piece of equipment, because there is no evidence that an exercise, a training approach or a piece of equipment can support being different; they can all be copied.
Instead, this workshop explores the fundamental considerations that a trainer needs to think about and action, if their overall aspiration is to offer something different; providing an experience in personal training that cannot be found anywhere else and, more importantly, cannot be copied.
The Returning Exerciser ⬇
Some professionals within fitness may label individuals ‘beginners’ however, no one (especially adults) wishes to be labelled a beginner, principally, when they bring years of life experience.
The role of today’s gym instructors and personal trainers include teaching safe exercise performance, then explaining the pathways and processes needed to achieve specific outcomes. This said, a fundamental responsibility of the instructor and personal trainer is to support the building of both exercise confidence and competence within the exerciser, because consistency of behaviour is vital in the early stages with this client group.
This workshop explores the fundamental considerations that are needed to support the returning exerciser to succeed, enjoyably!
This session has already been delivered. You can listen back to the teaser session here.
Personalised Interval Training ⬇
Interval training is both science and art. There is an abundance of clear guidelines (science) to follow that support and create a long-term pathway of interval training for a whole range of specific outcomes from increasing speed, endurance, through to fat loss.
This workshop investigates and explores the knowledge and skills required to deliver safe and effective Interval Training to different member groups.
This session has already been delivered. You can listen back to the teaser session here.
The Small Group Experience ⬇
The exerciser does not necessarily buy into the instructor, the facility or the fitness offering, they fundamentally buy for themselves. They buy into the feelings that the service or offerings create within them.
This workshop explores the foundational factors that need to be considered when the aim is to create unique experiences within a small group training session - the session is delivered differently for either instructors or trainers OR Operational Management.
Mastering Mobility ⬇
Whether it’s sitting or standing, all too often we are static in one position for much of the time. This tends to cause tightness and soreness in many areas of the body, which can inhibit our movement, most noticeably in the activities and exercises we chose to undertake.
This workshop explores why is mobility important and examines the tools required to assist with physical preparation and how to perform mobility movements/ routines with bodyweight, a stick and power bands.
The power of the bag ⬇
The powerbag is a useful learning and training tool as after all, ‘variety is the spice of life’ – Cowper (1785). Whilst this quote is centuries old it still holds true. Add to this that when learning something new, increasing confidence is paramount and if this can be done, even in part, by lowering risk, then it’s a good thing – this makes the powerbag an excellent training partner.
This workshop describes the benefits of the tool and how to use it for different training goals. This includes how to perform the exercises, how to integrate the power bag with other tools and into one-to-one or small group training sessions.
Why use a suspension training ⬇
Made initially famous by the military, suspension training is a great tool to add a different neurological challenge to your training, while providing a huge variety of exercise options, in a relatively small space.
The aim for this workshop is to provide a foundational understanding of suspension training which includes the history and benefits and how to set up/ use the straps. It also covers warmups and mobilisers, and various patterns/ movement, providing the learner the opportunity to experience the system, while developing the skills of how to teach or coach others to use a suspension trainer.
Not just a wall ball ⬇
Medicine balls or exercise balls have been reportedly used throughout history, however, are commonly misunderstood about how they can add load and/ or challenge to the body/ an exercise.
This workshop covers the history of medicine ball training, explores the safety considerations and the benefits of using such a tool. Different training goals are examined to enable learning around which type of ball may be optimal. As a learner you will also dive into power training, programming and how to integrate these tools with others.
Banging battle ropes ⬇
Throwing battle ropes around is cool and officially challenging - a great workout either on its own or combined with other exercises.
This workshop examines battle ropes, the benefits of them, the set-up, the many variations, how to use them correctly and safely (especially when others are around). The learning also provides a section on appropriate programming and exercise selection, enabling the learner to train themselves and others with this outstanding tool.
Executing exercise selection ⬇
There’s an old saying give a great trainer a rock and rope and they’ll design you an excellent workout. Whilst this may be the case, nowadays, as Barry Schwartz would say, we almost have choice paralysis – there’s too many exercise options to pick between.
This workshop has been designed to demystify the concept of the ‘best exercise’ and instead focuses on examining a variety of fundamental exercises that are safe and effective for everyone. The learner will then explore how to build out a workout, using their chosen exercisers making it specific to the desired outcome and user groups before testing out their ideas on themselves and their peers.
Commanding the foundations of kettlebells ⬇
When looking to add load, challenge and complexity of movement, you’ll struggle to find a more diverse training tool than the kettlebell.
This workshop examines the kettlebell’s history, leading into why others use this tool and how to safely lift swing and pass this load. The learner will also explore how the kettlebell moves around the body, or vice versa, looking at a variety of exercises including swings, the snatch, the clean and the windmill.
Advanced kettlebell methodology and styles ⬇
Once you understand the fundamentals for using the kettlebell and how the kettlebell moves around the body, or vice versa, you’ll likely want to learn more about how this diverse product can be utilised.
This workshop explores working with 2 kettlebells and different styles of training, while spending time on implementing the tool into group training and examining how you might programme with kettlebells.
Rolling, recovery and release ⬇
The is an increasing awareness of the need to ensure that we allow our bodies to relax, recuperate and recover – the more we ask of our bodies, the more we must focus on enabling the healing process.
This workshop specifically explores the benefits of myofascial release and how it effects movement, and the different types of mobilising tools. It then deep dives into the key positions for using a foam roller, a ball/ peanut, as well as when and how to use them.
The simplicity and skills of bodyweight ⬇
We carry our own body weight or load around every day, whether we are walking, running, completing an activity, or engaging in a sport. Why then would we want to simply use body weight exercises to train?
This workshop has been designed to explain exactly what bodyweight training is and why use this simple, yet effective methodology. The learner will also explore the principles of bodyweight program design, including using warm up and cool downs with bodyweight movements.
Wonderful warmups and engaging games ⬇
Regardless of age, we all enjoy having ‘fun’. We know the more fun we have the more likely we are to want to continue with or repeat an activity.
In this workshop the learners will examine the principles of having fun in an exercise experience. This is done through the design of warmups and cool downs, in line with the session objectives and how to implement and lead engaging games that will have exercisers coming back time and time again.
Successful lifting ⬇
With a growing demand for trainers to be able to teach safe and effective lifting techniques we have designed a two-day course that enables the learner to be able to teach members of the general population a variety of barbell lifts.
By the end of the workshop, the learners will be able to state the correct teaching and coaching points for safe and effective performance of a variety of barbell lifts. They will also be able to demonstrate an ability to teach safety and effectively a variety of barbell lifts to others.
This session has already been delivered. You can listen back to the teaser session here.
Active Ageing ⬇
This one-day workshop aims to reinforce the importance that exercise, and activity has on ageing exerciser. It investigates the changes that happen with and how the changes may well affect workout structure and content.
This workshop also explores the contribution quality interaction and teaching has on the overall experience for this client group and how the subtle change in instructor behaviour can enhance the experience.
Business Development Courses
The integration of apps and wearables on the gym floor ⬇
Wearables are a large part of the health and fitness industry, with circa 6 million owners in the UK alone, with the global industry being worth circa 80 billion.
This workshop has been designed to support instructors and trainers applying empathy when interacting with members regarding guidance and the use of workout apps. It will look at some of the key features of the most popular wearables and applications, providing the learners the insight they need to be able support and recommend to exercisers.
This teaser session has already been delivered. You can listen back to the session here.
Emotional Intelligence and communication ⬇
Historically businesses cared about intellectual quotient (IQ) in today’s business world, for customer facing roles organisations seek individuals with high emotional intelligence (EQ).
EQ was defined by Daniel Goldman as self-awareness, self-management, empathy and skilled relationships. This workshop examines how to identify and improve each of the four elements, while discussing with the learners how to practically apply their emotional intelligence when communicating with their customers.
This teaser session has already been delivered. You can listen back to the session here.
Personal branding and telling your story ⬇
In business it’s vital we know our values, our identity and our material (what we deliver) so our customers are able to identify with us; our personal brand must resonate with them.
This workshop will equip the learner with the knowledge, skills and confidence to determine, evaluate and create their own clear personal brand guidelines, whilst appreciating the various communication methods available to them to tell their story.
This session has already been delivered. You can listen back to the teaser session here.
Positioning the product in the customer’s mind ⬇
To create ‘sticky’ customers we need to position our products, services or solutions in our customers minds. When the customer truly associates with the offerings they have feelings that are far deeper seated than thoughts or rationales – this helps people feel connected to the offering and increases the likelihood they’ll stay customers for longer/ forever.
This workshop takes the fundamentals of sales and leads the learner on a journey that enables them to link their customers feelings to features and benefits of the product (which they will demonstrate in a live, practice sales pitch).
This session has already been delivered. You can listen back to the teaser session here.
Facilitator Training ⬇
As leaders we are expected to be able to be able to develop our people and enable them to grow, however, to do this as formalised learning, is not something that is readily taught (unless we are a qualified teacher).
This is why this introductory workshop has been designed to specifically explore the fundamentals of planning and delivering adult learning. Topics covered include how to create an aim and learning outcomes, opening and closing sessions, writing content and delivery technique. Whether the intent is to deliver digital, virtual or in-person session this workshop will give you the fundamentals for running successful, measured sessions and is a great entry point for the award in Education And Training (EAT).
Intelligent Leadership ⬇
In this rapidly evolving world, how do we ensure our people and teams are both satisfied and appropriately challenged, when the ‘grass is greener’ elsewhere and people expect continuous development, growth and opportunity?
Unfortunately, there is no simple, single answer since we humans are complex creatures! Therefore, to optimize our impact and the impact of those around us, we must first understand our own behaviours and then the behaviours of others.
This is why, in this one-day workshop, we will explore what people actually seek, from leaders. Once we have determined this you will create your own roadmap toward success, where you identify behaviours and patterns that inspire improvements, while being are supportive yet challenging.
By the end of this interactive workshop, you will have been appropriately challenged to determine your strengths, weaknesses and defined how to maintain or improve your existing leadership skills.