Fixed Barbells
Fixed barbells are used in weight training, and are an especially popular choice for people who want to build their biceps, chest, shoulders, back, and forearms. Barbells are available in varying weights and are comprised of a shortened fully knurled steel grip handle for balance and easy grip.
The benefit of fixed barbells are that the user doesn't have to assemble the desired weight themselves. This helps free up time for your actual workout, instead of wasting time loading your barbells! They are also more secure and come with less risk than using a barbell and weight plates as they are fixed weight and there’s no chance of you weights sliding off of the bar!
We offer both rubber and urethane fixed barbells. Urethane barbells are a great choice for high usage gyms, as urethane is shock absorbent and
- Origin Barbell Rack (Holds 5)£546.00
- Origin Rubber Barbell Set - Heavy£1,142.09
- Origin RB3 Rubber Barbells (V2)From £118.14
- Origin UB3 Urethane BarbellsFrom £176.11
- Origin UB3 Barbell SetsFrom £1,884.53
- Origin RB3 Fixed Barbell SetsFrom £1,058.42
- Origin RB2 Rubber BarbellFrom £60.79
- Origin UB2s Urethane BarbellsFrom £84.79
- Origin Single Sided Barbell Rack£339.58