
Best School Gym Equipment/Which Equipment for a School Gym/What School Gym Equipment to Choose

When it comes to choosing school gym equipment, a lot of factors need to be considered, with the layout and space available, plus the wide age range of students depending on the school (primary or secondary) - probably best if we just focus on secondary. Today, however, we want to focus on helping you choose the right gym equipment pieces. Free Weights: Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Fixed barbell (lighter weights great idea), weight plates (mix of heavier and lighter incremental plates as well), Olympic Barbells include lighter (10kg & 15kg barbells as well) - mixed with fixed barbells for 5kg or below is good idea Strength Equipment: Rigs (Power rack, half rack), rig setups (addining in storage units or multiple rig setups if space permits (allows space to be expanded with additional equipment), multi adjustable weight benches will be best to suit wide range of needs, plate loaded or fixed resistance machines can be good to help students train in a safe manner as well (IF93 springs to mind and dual function stations to make most of budgets). Cardio Machines: Treadmills, exercise bikes, and elliptical machines - no need to go crazy with SkiErg as we want equipment to last Fitness Equipment/Conditioning: Plyo boxes (good for kids running around keeps training fun - use Canva to create side by side of options), functional equipment fo circuits (sandbags, medicine balls, skipping ropes), speed & agility (hurdles/speed ladders, obstacle courses, circuit training again) Gym Flooring: 20mm/40mm in terms of just having the right kind of flooring depending on what space needs are, could mention lifting platforms
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