
Origin Fitness has been awarded a position on the ESPO Framework (345_24). This means we now have a position to provide services on the following areas:
- Bespoke Projects
- Fitness Equipment
About ESPO
ESPO’s key objective is to help its member authorities achieve optimum value for money when buying goods and services. The ESPO Member authorities are Cambridgeshire County Council, Leicestershire County Council, Lincolnshire County Council, Norfolk County Council, Peterborough City Council, and Warwickshire County Council.
Criteria Requirements
In being approved on the framework we have demonstrated the ability to meet the following criteria and ‘objectives’ of the procurement process for this framework:
- To offer public sector customers access to a range of pre-approved Suppliers from whom they may appoint a Supplier to deliver fitness equipment and associated products and services
- To secure value for money Goods and Services for Customers
- To create a multiple-supplier framework for the supply of fitness equipment
- To provide access to easy and generic further competitions designed to provide bespoke solutions for Customers
- To enable Social Value to be delivered if appropriate
Who Can Use ESPO
Whilst initially for use by local authorities served by ESPO – being a Central Purchasing Body as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the Framework may also be open for use by any “public body” including:
- Central government agencies and ministries
- NHS and emergency (blue light) services
- Schools, academies, colleges and universities
- Registered charities
- Registered social landlords
Origin Fitness's services can now be accessed as part of this framework which makes the procuring services process more streamlined and effective for public sector organisations. This means a full procurement process does not need to be run saving time and making the process more efficient.
"Being awarded a position on the ESPO Framework is a fantastic achievement for Origin. We are thrilled to now be able to offer our services to a range of public sector organisations across the bespoke projects and the supply of fitness equipment frameworks." Paul Bodger, Managing Director, Origin Fitness
Being a part of the ESPO Framework shows Origins' commitment to continuing to offer high-quality fitness equipment and services to clients across the public sector. To find out how we can support your business, get in touch with our team today.