
Hyrox at The Gym Group


Hyrox at The Gym Group Case Study

WHO:The Gym Group - The Mall & Aidan Adams

WHERE: London

TYPE: Gym Chains and Franchises


The Gym Group The Mall has always been at the forefront of fitness innovation, seeking to provide its members with the latest and most effective training options.

With the rising popularity of HYROX, a global fitness racing event combining running with functional workouts, The Gym Group saw an opportunity to offer a unique training experience.

They partnered with us to design and install a dedicated HYROX training space that caters to both group training and individual preparation.


The Gym Group made it clear they wanted to design a space that replicated the HYROX race environment. They wanted to provide members with an opportunity to train for HYROX events or simply enjoy HYROX-inspired workouts.

To ensure the space was suitable for both group classes and individual training sessions we engaged in detailed discussions with The Gym Group to understand their vision, goals, and specific requirements.

Considerations included the type of equipment needed, space layout, and integration with the existing facilities. We provided insight into HYROX training needs, equipment specifications, and how the space could be optimised to suit members.

Design and Planning

Using Autodesk Inventor Professional Software, we created 3D model designs and full renders of the proposed HYROX training area. Collaborative planning like this ensured that every aspect of the space was tailored to The Gym Group’s needs, from equipment layout to aesthetic design.

Key Equipment

HYROX requires specific equipment at each stage so we made sure to include everything members would need to train for the races in close proximity. The space is built to mimic the HYROX events which meant equipment needed to be quickly accessible during sessions.

We started with a modular Performance Series Free-Standing Rig which includes ample storage for the gym equipment. We incorporated a range of shelving options including flat shelves, troughs, and toast racks to ensure a seamless training experience when accessing equipment.

One unique aspect of this site is the four-lane sprint track with special prowler sleds for the sled push and pull stages of the race.

Multiple Concept 2 SkiErgs and Rowing Machines were also added allowing members to get in the lung-bursting practice reps. To finish off the space we also added Urethane Kettlebells, Sandbags, Wall Balls, and included a variety of Plyo Boxes allowing members to build explosive plyometric power.

During the installation, we worked closely with The Gym Group to minimise disruptions. Our team of engineers was on-site to assemble and set up the equipment as soon as it arrived. This allowed for an efficient and quick build with minimal disruptions to normal service, getting the space up and running quickly.

Training and Support

After the installation, we also provided training to The Gym Group staff on how to use and maintain the new equipment. This type of equipment is heavily used and at a higher risk of damage compared to other gym equipment. This why we also provide regular maintenance checks and a responsive service team to limit issues.


The dedicated HYROX space allows The Gym Group The Mall to offer specialised HYROX training classes, attracting a new demographic of fitness enthusiasts. Members can now train specifically for HYROX events, improving their performance and readiness for races.

The introduction of HYROX training has created a buzz among members, increasing participation in both group classes and individual training sessions. The space fosters a community atmosphere where members can train together, share experiences, and motivate each other.

By being one of the first gyms in the area to offer a dedicated HYROX training space, The Gym Group The Mall has positioned itself as a leader in fitness innovation. This unique offer sets the gym apart from competitors giving itself a competitive edge, attracting new members and retaining existing ones.


The collaboration between Origin Fitness and The Gym Group The Mall has successfully brought the HYROX experience to life, providing members with a dedicated space to train for one of the fastest-growing fitness events globally. The project not only meets the current demand for HYROX training but also positions The Gym Group The Mall as a pioneer in the evolving fitness landscape.

If you’re thinking about opening up a Hyrox style space then read our Hyrox Gym Design Guide, there are lots of useful tips in there if you don't know where to start! Or if you want to speak directly to a member of our team head over to our contact page or you can get in touch below.

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