
Fresh Student Living - Gulson Gardens


Fresh Student Living - Gulson Gardens


Welcome to Fresh Student Living's gym at Gulson Gardens, Coventry. New student housing complex opened in 2021, providing residents with some extra perks during their student careers. Our account manager, Hannah Cameron, , worked with Fresh senior Contracts manager Greg Freeman, to design the state-of-the-art gym facility included within the living quarters.

Fresh Student, Gulson Gardens

The Goal

Designed to provide residents with a fitness facility with a wide range of equipment. So they could train in the best possible environment all under the roof of their own home.

By providing an inviting workout area with easy-to-use equipment, students are more likely to use it. There are many residents at Gulson Gardens who have never been to the city before, so creating a welcoming environment was key. This was achieved by creating a dedicated training facility that goes above and beyond while taking current fitness trends and equipment into consideration as an additional incentive to residents.

Fresh Student, Gulson Gardens

Equipment & Layout

As a result of the collaboration, Origin Fitness and Fresh Student Living created a comfortable, spacious environment for students to work out in.

The installation included a variety of different pieces of equipment. A fitness space featuring cardio, strength, free weights, and functional training equipment.

Account Manager Hannah carefully selected the equipment in each zone to ensure that it was not only beneficial to the site's demographic, but also within the facility's budget.

A small weight-lifting zone was included for students' use. The Origin Multi Adjustable Bench, Gym Division Hex Rubber Dumbbells, Origin Dual Adjustable Pulley, Origin Rubber Barbell Set, and the Origin Barbell Rack were some of the highlights. Offering students a space to train in the popular growing demand for this type of training.

Fresh Student, Gulson Gardens

Protecting the floor is one of the most important aspects of any gym installation - sometimes even more important than the equipment. The Origin 40mm High Impact Flooring Tile was chosen for the floor within the free weight area. Easy to install and ideal for almost any gym environment. This hard-wearing tile is made to handle heavy footfall or weight impact, making it ideal for free-weight and strength-and-conditioning zones.

The Impulse AC2990 Commercial Treadmill, Impulse Encore ECE5 Commercial Elliptical Cross Trainer, Wattbike, and the recently released Origin Storm Rower were all included in the cardio zone. Residents are able to choose from a range of different cardio items to use throughout their training programmes. Catering to those who prefer heavy cardio training to those who also like High Intensity Training. There is something for everyone.

Fresh Student, Gulson Gardens

Hannah placed a strength zone in the middle of the gym , next to the functional storage rack. Three main impulse pieces were picked within the strength zone. The Impulse Dual Lat Pull Down and Seated Row, the Impulse Dual Leg Press / Calf Raise, and the Impulse Dual Multi Press were among the equipment provided.

The Gym Division Functional Storage Bay was introduced within the functional section to maintain the tidiness of the gym and store many of the functional pieces of equipment. The Origin Medicine Ball, Origin Double Grip Medicine Ball (in various weights), Origin TPE Fitness Mats, Origin Short Foam Roller, and the Origin Weighted Gym Ball were among the items on the bay. A fantastic option for those looking to incorporate more functional training into their gym routine.

The Origin Rubber Kettlebells were also included in this area, providing another adaptable weight for users to utilise when training. Kettlebells are a versatile piece of fitness equipment that can be used for a variety of activities. This includes but isn't limited to kettlebell swings, sumo squats, goblet squats, hand to hand swings and much more.

Fresh Student, Gulson Gardens

The Result

Each new Fresh Student Living site is designed with the purpose of maintaining consistency across the board in terms of installed equipment so that each site offers the same pieces as the others. This, however, is size-dependent and opportunities may arise to expand in larger spaces.

Fresh Student Living's Gulson Gardens gym has received nothing but positive comments since it opened its doors to its residents. Students appreciate having access to a gym in the privacy of their own homes.

Furthermore, Origin Fitness is ecstatic to be collaborating with Fresh Student Living and is looking forward to enhancing even more of its facilities this year. Offering its new residents a taste of home away from home.

Fresh Student, Gulson Gardens

Let us help you design and build your gym.

We'd love to show you what we can do.