
2021 saw the arrival of our new functional training racks and rigs; Elite and Performance join our existing Alpha range. Designed by you, for you, our new training rigs are the most versatile we've ever made!
Our new concept rigs have been installed in national chains and boutique studios across the country. Our install teams have been busy building new rigs daily due to increasing demand. Introduce functional training rigs to your gym space and take advantage of the benefits.
Functional training is a staple in any gym. Focus is on training basics and using your own body weight to obtain strength, whether you are a professional athlete or a raw beginner. Whether it's personal training, classes, or both, functional training offers flexibility and a range of fitness benefits.
When space is a premium in any facility, training racks and rigs can be introduced with the ability to change, grow, or even shrink over time in line with your needs. No matter the size or height of your space our team will work with you to build your training rig.
Buying a training rig has never been easier. We can take you through these five steps, we will create your perfect, bespoke, fully custom functional training rack.
STEP 1: Choose your training rig range...Elite, Performance, Alpha
We have three offerings of functional training racks and rigs suited to any gym or training requirement.
The Elite Series is best for strength training, compound lifts, and dynamic HIIT programs. Flexibility is key with high quality and aesthetics; this range offers training and storage and is fully customisable with attachments.
The Performance Series is your ultimate strength and conditioning option. Our Performance Series is designed to provide you with options for training by combining functional zones. Wall-mounted or standalone racks, this range adapts to your space and training needs.
We designed the Alpha Series for people who have limited space. This range is perfect for home gyms or boutique studios that cater to solo workouts. Giving you the option to add storage and attachments to create your personal workout space.

STEP 2: Configure your space...built your training rig around you
Ready for the fun part...think Lego on a larger scale!
Our ranges are built by individual components so that you can tailor your rig for specific styles of training and to fit around the space you have available.
Our components come in different lengths and heights - no space is too big or too small to build a rig. From stabilisers, connectors, and bridges, all our components come with sizing options. Connect racks to utilise a blank wall, create lanes for classes and add a bridge to set up a functional training zone.
STEP 3: Choose your functional training rig attachments...all about the storage
Training needs will change over time and from person to person. Add what you need right now to your racks and rigs, secure in the knowledge that you can always add more later.
Hanging, holding, standing, and throwing; our attachments offer everything you need to create the ultimate training experience.
Training Attachments
Utilise boxing within your workouts with the bag and glove hangers and add a battle rope anchor for a HIIT workout enhancer. Attach wall targets and dip handles or pull-up ramps for strength training. Turn your Alpha rack into a full-body workout machine by adding jammer arms or a platform for weight training.
Storage Attachments
Training ranges designed by us are integrated and provide an all-in-one solution for efficient training.
By using weight pegs, toast racks, and bar holders, you can store your weights and bars neatly and easily. Build all the storage you need with shelving options that creates space for all free weights you will need for classes or personal training. For those pesky items that won't sit on a shelf, a peg, or a hanger, we have storage bins that fit within rig structures and have wheels for ease of use.
We've developed a convertor to allow any of our specific range attachments compatible with Origin rigs.
STEP 4: Customise your training rig your way...
No two rigs are the same so why should they look the same? We recommend adding customisation to promote your brand.
Branded nameplates are a popular feature and, did you know we can brand platforms for some flair?

STEP 5: Choose your functional equipment...what are your training needs
You've got your racks and rigs, all your attachments and storage needs met, now all you need is your equipment.
From hex dumbbells and kettlebells to plates and bars, we have everything you'll need.
Review our free weights and functional categories for your options.
Too many to choose from? Our top 5 recommendations include; Gym Division Hex Dumbbells, Gym Division Olympic Barbell and Bumper Plates Set, Origin Kettlebells, Origin Leather Punch Bag, and Origin Elite Sandbags.
Our team is on hand to discuss all your options and if you need inspiration check out our Racks & Rigs webpage for more information.