
Top 12 Reasons To Offer a Hotel Gym

Top 12 Reasons To Offer a Hotel Gym

In today's fast-paced world, guests expect more from hotels. They want top-notch gym facilities, a comfortable bed, and a complimentary breakfast. Guest needs are evolving, with work, travel, and leisure often blending together. Today, travellers seek holistic experiences catering to their comfort, well-being, and lifestyle preferences. 

This evolving trend presents a unique opportunity for hotels to set themselves apart, attract a diverse clientele, and ultimately boost their bottom line. The hotel gym used to be a small part of the hotel experience, but now it's a big deal. Guests care about having a good gym when they choose a hotel.

It's not just about having a few exercise machines; it's about making a space that fits what modern travellers want – to stay healthy even when not at home. Let's explore the benefits of a hotel gym and see how investing in better facilities can significantly enhance a hotel's appeal, increase bookings, and improve guest satisfaction.


Create More Bookings

Having a gym on-site could be the deciding factor in whether or not someone stays at the hotel. While no one expects the space to compete with commercial sites, for busy business travellers or fitness enthusiasts visiting the area, it could be why they choose one hotel over another. 

Upgrading or adding a fitness suite with reasonably modern equipment is a surefire way to increase hotel bookings as most guests would prefer to stay somewhere with fitness facilities available. Research the local competition to see if this is something on offer in the area and if not it could be a unique USP to make the hotel and brand stand out. 



Attract More Guests

Having a fully booked hotel will make any owner happy, but if rooms are sitting empty, it might be time to consider other avenues to attract more guests. Travelling guests are more health conscious than before, meaning many now look to maintain their fitness while travelling for pleasure or business.

It might be a bit of an investment but think of the long-term possibilities. Attracting a wider range of guests could be a route to increasing room prices, and while it may be something on offer to all guests, it could also be a useful perk for staff.  



Charge Higher Rates

One of the best reasons to invest in a hotel gym is to help the bottom line. Simply increasing the rate with no additional benefit will leave many guests unhappy, but adding additional amenities, such as a hotel gym, could be a good reason to charge a higher rate. 

Deciding to increase the rates will lead to further questions. It's worth considering whether the price increase will be across the board for every guest or just for guests wanting to use the gym. If all guests have free access to the facility, then it might be worth adding a blanket increase to room prices.

Consider offering travelling guests unique items they won't get in other hotel gyms. It could be something as simple as protein bars or supplement drinks they can purchase or add other wellness amenities like massage chairs and guns. These changes could really leave a mark on guests that could foster customer loyalty when they next visit.



Space For Guests To Unwind 

Relaxation might not be the first word that pops into mind when people think of the gym, but these spaces are key to helping guests relax after a long day. Everyone needs something different. The busy business traveller might want to de-stress after a long day of meetings, or mum might be looking for a way to escape from the kids for an hour.

This is another reason to consider speaking with an expert about the chosen space to make sure it works for different types of guests. There needs to be enough room for guests to train without feeling cramped. On-site facilities should allow guests to escape from the craziness of their day, which is another great reason to include a hotel gym as part of the amenities. 



Attract More Reviews 

Hotel owners know the importance of good reviews and the even heavier weight of negative ones. Most of us will look at reviews before we part with our hard-earned money. Positive ratings add social proof for potential guests, which can go a long way in nudging someone to choose one hotel over another. 

The same applies to hotels, with public reviews being even more important in a digital world. While the service and room are the main attractions, the small differentiating touches to a facility can make all the difference in receiving a 4-star or 5-star rating, which increases the likelihood of guest bookings. 



Offer Guests More Amenities

Traditional guests won't be impressed by a new drink on the menu or food item on the buffet, but a well-stocked modern hotel gym is something not every hotel can claim to offer guests; it's a differentiator. Going the extra mile for guests can help a hotel stand out in the crowd. The more that can be offered, the better. 



Customer Convenience 

Convenience is king for travelling guests. The last thing guests want to add to their already long to-do list is to find a local gym to visit. Throw in the cost of a day pass and figure out the logistics of actually getting there; it becomes more of a nuisance than a joy to stay fit when travelling. 

Including a hotel gym as part of the amenities removes this stress for guests and makes the hotel more attractive to potential visitors. Not only does this make fitness more convenient, but it will also leave guests feeling great during their stay. Help your guests to make the most of their experience staying with you. 




On the point of travel, having fitness facilities on-site is one way hotels can help the environment and be more sustainable. Serious fitness fanatics might take an Uber or public transport to get to a commercial gym if they don't have car access, but most guests will be glad to have fitness facilities on site. 

By offering a fitness facility, hotels not only help guests stay fit on their travels but, in a second-hand way, help minimise the contribution to environmental damage as people don't have to use transport to get around to get their fitness fix. That sounds like a pretty good reason to invest in a gym. 



Encourage Loyalty 

This one seems obvious, as having a hotel gym as a USP could be why guests choose to stay in one hotel over another. If the experience is good enough, it might be the reason they choose this brand of hotel over another the next time they visit or if they visit another city. 



Boost Guest Wellbeing

Fitness has a range of benefits for physical and mental health. Why would guests not want to feel their best when they stay with you? Whether that's a workout in the morning to start their day right before visiting the breakfast continental buffet before that big business day or simply someone wanting to get a sweat on before a big night out in the city. 

Help guests feel their best by offering at least some variation of free weights, cardio equipment, and strength machines. The space doesn't need to offer the latest fancy equipment, but enabling guests to lift some weight, run off steam, or squat away after a busy day will go a long way toward helping their mental space. 



Link to Other On-Site Facilities 

Many guests expect wellness to be catered for on their travels, which is an important factor in their decision-making process, as we discussed earlier. Many upmarket hotels will offer additional features, such as swimming pools and saunas, as part of their efforts to integrate wellness into their amenities.

This means having a well-stocked hotel gym is essential to a holistic approach to guest well-being. While having one cardio machine and some dumbbells may have been sufficient in the past, consider upgrading these facilities to match the standard of wider wellness facilities in the space so that it truly reflects how great staying with you will be. 



Help Guests Keep On Track with Fitness Goals During Travel 

We all know how stressful and busy travelling can be, so reduce guests' worries by offering them a space to take a break and recuperate. We know that whether it's for the physical or mental benefits, getting in a quick workout can make all the difference to mood. Help guests release those endorphins and make their experience staying with you even more special.




To conclude, having a hotel gym benefits guests and the hotel itself. Whether it's helping guests unwind, encouraging loyalty, or doing their part for the environment, there can be no doubt about the benefits of including one or upgrading old facilities. If you're considering investing, installing, or upgrading a hotel facility, then get in touch with our team today. 





What does it cost to build a hotel gym? 

It really can vary as several factors need to be considered, such as available space, equipment needs, soundproofing, lighting, and installation fees. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to building or designing one of these spaces. Needs will vary as the cost of simply upgrading to more modern equipment will probably be lower cost than investing in an entirely new space. Estimates can vary, but as a rough guide, new equipment might only be around £10,000, full refurbishments could be between £10,000 - £20,000, and full kit outs might be closer to £40,000 - £60,000. Again, each space is different, so the cost may be less or more depending on what a hotel needs. 


What equipment for a hotel gym? 

As with any fitness space, we think zoning areas is always a great idea. This means covering each part of the chosen space for specific equipment or training needs. Hotel gyms might do well covering free weights, strength, cardio equipment, gym flooring, and adding in some conditioning accessories if the space allows for modern trends. This would include a range of items such as dumbbells, kettlebells, rigs, strength machines, high-impact flooring, treadmills, ellipticals, air bikes, and conditioning tools like resistance bands and foam rollers